2019 New Treatment Guidelines for Peyronie's Disease

 Andromedical Laboratory has patented and researched Penile Traction Devices for 20 years to develop ANDROPEYRONIE ®, a medical device to treat Peyronie's disease. Based on a clinical study published in The Journal of Sexual Medicine (Nov-2013, Dr. Martínez-Salamanca et al.), ANDROPEYRONIE ® reduces the penile curvature in more than 50 percent, with a pain reduction, an increasing in penile length of 1.5 cm and an improvement in the sexual function. ANDROPEYRONIE ® is the only device registered by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for PD. More information in: https://www.andropeyronie.com


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Penile traction for Peyronie’s disease treatment ( andropeyronie )

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